As máscaras afinal protegem ou não? Questionando o estudo dinamarquês que diz que não

Hypothesis Testing in the Presence of False Positives: the Flaws in the Danish Mask Study, em MATHFLANEUR: N N Taleb’s Quant Discussions – Mathematical flaneuring, mostly probability:

Every study needs its own statistical tools, adapted to the specific problem, which is why it is a good practice to require that statisticians come from mathematical probability rather than some software-cookbook school. When one uses canned software statistics adapted to regular medicine (say, cardiology), one is bound to make severe mistakes when it comes to epidemiological problems in the tails or ones where there is a measurement error. The authors of the study discussed below (The Danish Mask Study) both missed the effect of false positive noise on sample size and a central statistical signal from a divergence in PCR results. A correct computation of the odds ratio shows a massive risk reduction coming from masks.

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